Verein kleioforum

Maud Châtelet

In her artistic research, Maud Châtelet experiments with forms, geometries and colours, with surfaces, volumes and voids.

She crosses the fields of drawing, construction and narration in a subtle balancing act between aesthetics and projection surface, spatial experiences and questioning meaning. She seems to decline an enigmatic vocabulary of shapes, telling a story of intuition and recombination, seducing with textures and colours, following or refuting the rules of physics, defining borders between here and there, looking for balance and for free-fall.

Born 1975 in Paris, Maud Châtelet is an architect and an artist. She lives and works in Zurich. In addition to exhibitions and art projects in Switzerland and abroad, Maud Châtelet has taught architecture and freehand drawing for many years in Zurich, Fribourg and Muttenz.

follow maud_chatelet on instagram

Lettenstrasse 18
CH-8037 Zürich